Footballs, Netballs, volleyball nets, corner posts and bibs have all travelled from Colne Valley High School to the Memusi School in Kenya to enable pupils of the school to participate in the popular sports all children love to play.
The package has been sent by Colne Valley high school PE teacher Claire Bolton who also works as Schools Sports Co-ordinator for the Colne Valley pyramid of primary schools for the Pennine Schools Sports Partnership, after her neighbours Matthew and Sally Norton, who set up the Memusi Schools foundation in 2007 advertised for old footballs and netballs on their Face Book page
‘I saw the post and thought “Why should they get old, cast off equipment?” I had just organised a dance festival for our primary and high school pupils to perform in which had raised quite a lot of money, so after consultation with the head teachers in our pyramid I decided we would send them some new equipment which was flown over with Matthew and presented to the pupils in May.