Welcome to Memusi Foundation

We work directly with communities & schools in Kenya to provide access to quality education.

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On the 4th April Bernie Hollywood travelled to Magadi, Kenya to oversee the delivery and build of the new solar panelled classroom.  

Bernie says:  “Matthew & myself have had a long term dream of bringing Computer Science into Matthew's Memusi School, Magadi, Kenya”

“Our dream was to have a fully constructed & operational Computer Laboratory / Classroom that could teach the children & community how to write computer code & so much more. Both Matthew & I feel that possessing Computer Science skills will give the children the greatest opportunity of securing future high tech jobs & provide the knowledge within the community to develop Social Enterprise ideas & businesses”

“After two years of fundraising activities & with the support of Chris Arnold CEO of World Merit & planning with Martin Muckle Managing Director of Stonehouse Kenya we were ready to commence the construction of our first ever "solar powered" computer laboratory / classroom. I personally joined Martin Muckle for the construction of this truly unique building which is now complete.” 



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