Welcome to Memusi Foundation

We work directly with communities & schools in Kenya to provide access to quality education.

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Launch of Memusi Live - 1

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It was great to be able to hold our first ever Memusi LIVE event yesterday (1 Jul 2021), joined by so many people from around the UK and around the World. If you were able to join us, I really hope that you enjoyed the session and took something from the hour. As I said during the session, to be able to give people a look inside Memusi and to hear directly from those that we work with and those that we support is incredibly important to me and all of us at Memusi Foundation. 

If you didn’t manage to join us OR if in fact you wanted to watch the session back again or some of the individual videos, you can do so NOW on our YouTube channel:


This channel contains the full Memusi LIVE event recording and also contains each of the individual videos if you wanted to watch them separately. Please do explore the channel too as we have so many more videos from over time which have been made that continue to bring back memories and bring smiles.