Welcome to Memusi Foundation

We work directly with communities & schools in Kenya to provide access to quality education.

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From Pennies to Pencils

So most of you now will have seen the launch of our new From Pennies to Pencils campaign. We have been blown away at the response this week to our new campaign. 200 packs already requested...lots of people, doing a little to generate a lot. Thank you!

The idea is really simple…

  1. Get a jar and put one of our stickers on it.
  2. Start collecting your pennies.
  3. When full, just pay it into the bank and help Memusi Foundation to support children into free education.


Do it on your own, get your kids involved, your work colleagues, family or your local school. The more who collect pennies = the more children going to school.

If you would like to get a sticker and an info sheet and start collecting please get in touch.

Special thanks to Adam Ranford who designed the logo for us. Great job as always Adam.

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