Welcome to Memusi Foundation

We work directly with communities & schools in Kenya to provide access to quality education.

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COVID Response

COVID-19 saw its first case in Kenya on the 13th March, with cases increasing on a daily basis similar to countries all over the world. Since the outbreak arrived in Europe, we have been working alongside the ministry of health, local businesses and working with our team on the ground to ensure that the response that we provide deals in the most effective way possible with the challenges faced and the challenges to evolve. 

Since the outbreak in Kenya, cases grow on a daily basis, with the World Health Organisation (WHO) predicting that Africa will be the epicentre of the pandemic in the near future and the World Health Programme and UN announcing a risk of widespread famines. This time is unprecedented and we have seen many cases of "normal" Africans already fearing starvation and beginning to live through it; people who live on a daily basis hand to mouth. 

It is estimated that in Kajiado County that 150,000 people will be driven to starvation. With market closures a reality and Nairobi in lockdown, people who have livestock find an inability to unlock capital in order to purchase food; again pushing the reality of starvation not just onto the very poorest people. 

Very much like our overall charity strategy, our response is based on a number of different pillars. Prevention and COVID-19 training, Education for children now not in school, support model for communities around Kenya facing starvation and finally a support model for those in Magadi facing starvation through lockdown. 

We are aiming to provide the first line of defence in prevention and education with then a secondary layer helping people facing starvation. In every aspect we are looking to continue local investment and to keep the economy in these remote places going to prevent longer term damage.



Tackling Starvation - Smart Aid

COST - £30 per goat

With market closures, many people are facing starvation without the ability to sell livestock. In response we are launching SMART AID; creating a fund to buy goats from those impacted, unlocking capital to enable people to have cash to purchase food. Memusi Foundation will keep the goats until markets re-open post the pandemic, selling them and the money made from the sales will then be used for our education programme. 

We are also extending this programme to support parents / members of the community who don't have livestock nor employment to mentor them through a programme of livestock breeding

Supporting SMART AID doesn't just feed a family that are starving, it also provides a route out of poverty for those not working through mentored employment and finally future investment in education. One donation; three benefits.


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COST: £20 helps to provide soap to 80 people

Working in partnership with the Magadi Soda Foundation and the Ministry of Health, we are funding soap to communities alongside training on social distancing and Coronavirus awareness. To date we have been able to benefit over 6,000 people in the Magadi Ward with access to soap. The partnership also sees the Magadi Soda Foundation increasing water supply to communities. 

There are many more people without access to soap who we need to reach across the whole of the Magadi Ward

Face Masks

COST - £10 buys 30 masks

In the third week of April, it became law in Kenya to wear a face mask in public. To contain the spread, we are funding face masks for the communities that we serve and to date have distributed 1,500 masks, but more are needed for members of the community who need to leave their homes.

We believe strongly in investment within the community and each mask is being made by Memusi parents to provide local employment and therefore a double benefit in this part of our response

Food Bank

COST: £50 will help feed an orphanage for a week / £10 will feed a family for a week

Throughout the last month we are seeing an increasing number of people begging for help in the face of starvation. In the face of school closures and social distancing measures, the poorest of people in extreme poverty have lost employment and face starvation.

At Memusi we have created a food bank for Magadi that will help us support parents and children who are facing starvation. We are working to support our long term Orphanage partner Nissi and we have created a partnership with Food Banking Kenya where we have provided funding to support Orphanages and those most vulnerable outside of Magadi with access to food at this time and whose own support networks have collapsed overnight with business and church closures. 

Education Materials

COST: £12 will provide education materials to 100 children for home learning

Parents in the UK will be well aware of TWINKL; the largest provider of online education materials in the UK. All schools in Kenya closed with immediate effect on the first case of Coronavirus, leaving the children that we serve in a vulnerable position and without access to education support. TWINKL have kindly given us FREE access to all of their online material and with the support of the Magadi Soda Foundation have started a programme to print and distribute materials with an aim of reaching over 10,000 children through a network of teachers